Supporting well-being and compliance
Air quality is one of the most crucial determinants of health, and indoor air quality is often two to five times worse than outdoor air. .
A combination of indoor pollutants, including particulate matter (PM) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other factors, like carbon dioxide (CO2) and airborne microorganisms, and have severe impacts on health, lowering cognitive scores, introducing stressors on the body, and promoting sick building syndrome (SBS).
The IOTONIX air quality and ambience monitoring systems combines a wealth of sensors, including indoor and outdoor sensors to derive information, the management can base its decisions on.
- PM1, PM2.5 and PM10
- Temperature and Humidity
- Optional Gas Sensors

Particle Matter (PM1, PM2.5, and PM10)
PM 2.5 are particulate matters with diameter averaging less than 2.5 µm that are suspended in the air. These particulate matters can combine with water vapor, smoke and other gases in the environment. Their health impacts are on the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system and the brain.
Temperature and Humidity
Gas Sensors
Especially in industrial environments. Monitoring ambient odor emission and detection of odorous gases such as H2S, Ammonia, VOCs, and SO2, is important to keep neighbors and regulators happy. The flexible IOTONIX approach allows live monitoring of plant emissions on our cloud servers. Odor emissions are reported in a timely basis with monthly compliance reports. The screenshot below shows graphically the odor pollution. Both the size and color or the circle indicate the amount of pollution and the red arrow indicates the wind direction and strength
We use many of the applications we are offering ourselves or have some installed in a showcase environment. We would be glad to welcome you today at our offices to take a good look or talk to us about your requirements